I sat down with Jakab Márk (also known as Maci among his friends) for a coffee to talk about how his life was influenced by movies. Márk (20) dubs films nowadays, but wants to be an actor, just like his father.
"My dad is not delighted that I follow his way," he added.
He started to giggle, and said that he has a great stroy apart from our topic.
"You know, there are those phone-in programs on TV. 'Tell us the answer and you can win 100.000 HUF! Just one question and the money is guarantied!' I have just gave my voice to one of those shows... Believe it or not, I did not have to 'say' anything like this: Yes, you won! Wait till our assistant takes down your articulars! Congratulations! Nothing like that! The option of winning simply does not exist!"
After a few stories in showbiz, we started to talk about motion pictures. He said almost every period in his life was governed by a movie. When he saw Truman Show, he believed and visioned for years, that actually his life is filmed and followed by millions. That he is part of a reality show. The show of his life. Though these years are over he still thinks of this four times a week: what if they filmed it? When he was down and out, he told himself: okey, it is only a twist written by the director to entertain others... better days will come. It is all arranged. He has an image in his head of an arena (Papp László Budapest Sportarena) where every character of his show gather together and reveal the secret. There is a VIP sector of this gathering, where he finally meets and get to know better his closest friends in the show.
As he speaks an unusual, amusing feeling hits me. He means every word he says, still, he speaks seriously because he knows you are not taking it seriously. It is like he is living in a parallel personality at the very same moment. An avarage guy, who does his business, but inside, he created a world he projects outside.
"Lately, I dubbed a horribly bad series. It is about young folks in high school. An avarage, poorly written show, but it made me think about my education. After watching an episode, I decided to retake baccalaureate this year. I want to get a degree, now that I have seen that episode. It made me realize that I must have one," he told me.
He mentioned Neo, from Matrix, with whom he identified himself for a long time. It reminded me of Truman. Both characters are oursiders, though in different ways. Neither of them live in reality, but finally get to it. He feels he has to make his way.
He believes that films blows-up real life, deeds. It exgagerates everything in order to find it appealing, interesting. "People do not want to see reality. Why would they? Where yould they escape then?"
"My generation was socialized with movies," he said. "We follow the steps of the hero. We have to, because we believe he is right. He knows what to do. So we act like him."
"Imagine. We are sitting here, I am smoking, having a cup of coffee. This is idyll. Happy people do this in the movies. This is the right thing to do, because the screen suggests this is idyll," ha added.
Are those happy whose life is not influenced by movies?
"Yes. They are. There is no example they have to follow. They set their own rules. They have their own aims in life. Like my brother. He does not overdramatize his life. He keeps it simple."
Márk said that the characters he is closest to are the ones that appeal to him. These caharcters make him realize his own personality.
"Life = film. Film = life." He came to this conclusion. His ex girlfriend's favourite movie is P. S. I Love You, so he had to watch it a million times. The film kicks off with a quarrel-scene. The lovers shout at each other then there is a point when they jump on the bed, kiss and make up.
"While we were quarreling, I realized that the angle I see is the same as in the movie. I remembered that both the characters stood in such position. So, after she finished her sentence, I said what the guy said in the movie. She did not recognized the line, but unswered exactly the same way the girl did in the movie. I concentrated to do everything the way he did, and she followed. Even when she was yelling, I was calm, smiling inside because I knew that in 5 minutes it will all be over and we will make love on the bed, just like the lovers in the film. And it happened. I knew the situation, I knew how to influence it."
Once when Márk was sitting despondently in a bar late at night, after a break-up, everything went black before his eyes. It was absurd how he enjoyed the situation. He found melancholy genial. "It was like a scene form a movie." Despite of this feeling, he was down and out. He called his brother, and told him what happened. Márk's delivery was depressing. The brother's answer was short and strict. "Life is not a soap opera." Then hung up. The moment the voice cut off he pulled himself together. Self-pity has never solved problem.
We had to leave, but continued talking as we walked to the tram station. He told me that 'one' of his favourite films was the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. It taught him basic moralities.
"The trilogy is a codex of ethics."
Every word that left his mouth was filled with serious enthusiasm... He is the protagonist of his own life, inspired by films. But there was a moment, when the two personalities (the one that lives life, the other that lives movies) met. He was lying on bed next to his girlfriend, turned his head to her and said: You are my favourite movie. In this moment of happiness life was exactly like in a movie. Perfect.